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How We Did it: December Diamonds

How We Did it: December Diamonds December Diamonds is an extremely popular Christmas brand that came to us seeking online marketing & social media marketing content creation. December Diamonds CEO, Scott Neilsen wanted their brand swimming through the pond under a...

How Businesses Should Use Houzz

How Businesses Should Use Houzz Everybody raise your hands if you’re on Houzz. No? Why not?! If you haven’t heard the buzzzz about Houzz, let me educate. It is one of the most effective ways for businesses to bust their brand into new SM markets… and it’s fun! Houzz...

What’s the Deal with Facebook Star Ratings?

What's the Deal with Facebook Star Ratings? I’m going to risk it all now and talk about a hot topic. I do mean the highly volatile and slightly (ok maybe severely) controversial subject of Facebook star ratings. I think I just heard hundreds of you scream. Maybe...

What’s the Deal with Facebook Star Ratings?

What's the Deal with Facebook Star Ratings? I’m going to risk it all now and talk about a hot topic. I do mean the highly volatile and slightly (ok maybe severely) controversial subject of Facebook star ratings. I think I just heard hundreds of you scream. Maybe...

Guatemala’s Social Campaign

Guatemala's Social Campaign The heat is on. It’s already reaching 100 here, but this Southern Georgia gal doesn’t blink an eyelash. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. Like Guatemala. Yes, you heard me right!! This country is on FIRE with new interest in social media and has...

On and Off the Field: Germany’s Social Media

On and Off the Field: Germany's Social Media How’s your game? Not just the World Cup… but your social media game? If y’all haven’t heard, I’ll tell it to you straight. International social media is HUGE today. Your own backyard isn’t good enough anymore. So if you...

Argentina’s Superhero Status

What’s under your shirt? If you asked Argentina, they may just have a superhero costume. Kinda like the Hulk (minus the anger issues), Argentina has grown immensely in the social media ring. And I mean immense. They saw a 73 percent spike between 2010 and 2013....

christi tasker

Christi Tasker

Award-Winning Tech Exec & Social Media Expert Seen On NBC News

Globally recognized as one of the first females in technology, Christi’s first won awards for interior design & retailing. As a digital media marketing motivational speaker & analytical creative brand director, Christi Tasker specializes in merging technology with human interactions to universally create better consumer experiences. Shop Christi Tasker see her Travel Tips & Best Interior Design Blogs. View her branding work on our sister company site Tasker Agency.

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Winner of the Public Relations Society of America Pinnacle Award for Social Media Marketing
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Winner of Top Tech Exec Award

Community Exemplary – Increasing tourism in Las Vegas
NBC News

Trusted Social Media News Expert for NBC News

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