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Since 2007 our founder and former retailer, Christi Tasker has conducted an online seminar series for the mega gift and home trade center, AmericasMart downtown Atlanta. Here are the objectives and results:


  • Christi Tasker name + face as a public speaker for marketing materials for AmericasMart Atlanta.
  • Prepare an series of relative titles, topics, + descriptions to interest AmericasMart buyers through the program AmericasMart University or AMU.
  • Target: Small independent retailers, big box store management and marketers, interior designers, fashion designers, and celebrity guests.
  • Contribute cooperative marketing through our social channels and with our database of retailers, designers, and buyers to attend AmericasMart Atlanta.
  • Deliver seminars during markets to teach and provide retailers the latest tips, how-tos, solutions and strategies in social media and online marketing.
  • Give valuable advice, tell stories, and motivate attendees to run + manage their businesses more effectively by introducing new tools and solutions.
  • Provide AmericasMart with blog content and social media training videos to increase website registration.


  • Christi Tasker name + face as a public speaker for marketing materials for AmericasMart Atlanta.
  • Prepare an series of relative titles, topics, + descriptions to interest AmericasMart buyers through the program AmericasMart University or AMU.
  • Target: Small independent retailers, big box store management and marketers, interior designers, fashion designers, and celebrity guests.
  • Contribute cooperative marketing through our social channels and with our database of retailers, designers, and buyers to attend AmericasMart Atlanta.
  • Deliver seminars during markets to teach and provide retailers the latest tips, how-tos, solutions and strategies in social media and online marketing.
  • Give valuable advice, tell stories, and motivate attendees to run + manage their businesses more effectively by introducing new tools and solutions.
  • Provide AmericasMart with blog content and social media training videos to increase website registration.

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Record Breaking Seminar Crowds By Over 20%

Enough said! There were too many people standing and sitting on the floor than AmericasMart staff could count. Christi holds the AMU/AmericasMart record for highest attended courses!

30% More Buyers Attend AmericasMart

for seminars and trainings than any other market.

Each Market +20% More People Click Through from the PuTTin’ OuT

link via social channels & email distribution.

99% of Attendees Find Our Seminars Informative.

Everyday we get messages from attendees telling us about their astounding results

Retailers Take Action To Improve Their Marketing.

When Christi speaks she also inspires people to perform sort of like the key every roadmap needs when hiring a public speaker.

Increased Blog Traffic For AmericasMart.com.

AmericasMart uses Christi’s advice during seminars for blog posts after market. Check out the latest post on HOW TO ACHIEVE INSTANT SALES WITH INSTAGRAM.

A note of thanks from….

Americans Mart

Messages from retailers + designers who attended our AmericasMart social media and online marketing trainings….

Got a testimonial? Post it on our Facebook wall or write a recommendation on Puttinout and we’ll feature it here.
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